
Sunday, September 2, 2012

E-Hh +urricane Review

Tot School- Cowboy is currently 42 Months Old

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This week was E-H review week. I like to review letters every 4th letter just to refresh and see how Cowboy is comprehending things. This week was an interesting week. We live in the South and there was Hurricane Isaac was headed straight towards us. Praise God we didn't have any major damages or flooding. Only a fence issue and Our schoolhouse floor was soaked from water leaking through the door. But my handyman husband is already on that!! :) and we should be back to normal next week! 

Letter E Review

Included: (scroll to bottom for widget of all tools used)
Stories about Jesus for little ones book
My e book
Alphatales Letter Ee book
The Elephant and the Blind Men Story and Pictures from (OCR)
Letter Ee for Egg worksheet from 1+1+1=1 and a pushpin
Momma and Baby Elephant Puzzle
National Geographic Kids Elephants Book
Construction paper and Crayola Finger Paint
Touch and Feel puzzles
Crayola Dry Erase Center and Letter E Trace page

I thought it was so awesome that on this day our bible story was about Jesus healing a blind man. When I had planned to read the Story "The Elephant and the Blind Men", it fit perfect! God is so good. So we started with our bible story, and talked about what being Blind means, and what it would be like to be blind. 

Cowboy trying to get the idea of being blind.....He was having a hard time keeping those eyes closed. Praise God for good eyes and Eye sight! 

Chart Time

Talking about elephants! Would you like to touch an elephant?? His response- I want to ride one!! 

Reading the Story The Elephant and the Blind Men- basically a story about a few blind men who each touch an elephant, but in different places on the elephant, therefore creating their own ideas about what this elephant is and each thinking THEY personally were right, when they all TOUCHED the SAME Elephant. I got this idea and story from Our Country Road Blog here.

To go along with this story I brought out our touch and feel puzzles. These worked perfect for this lesson! He had to guess what he was feeling and match it to the puzzles on the outside. He did really good with this. He loves these puzzles.

Putting together Mommy and Baby elephant Puzzle- This puzzle may look easy but it is challenging! 

Tracing Letter Ee

I needed something new to do for the letter worksheets, and I had seen the poking holes with a toothpick on someones blog before. I didn't have a tooth pick so I just let him use a push pin instead and on the Carpet of course :) This was new and fun for him. He liked poking holes in the paper, I am sure he felt like he was being destructive, which he likes doing since he is 100 percent BOY! 

Reading about Elephants in our books. 

We wrapped up Letter Ee with a craft and some Elefun! 

Elephant hand print craft. I just painted some blue finger paint on his hand, and pressed it on the paper. He laughed so hard while I painted his hand! It tickles mommy!! Then I just made lines and a face for the elephant! 

Letter F Review-


Stories about Jesus
Froggy goes to school 
Alphatales Ff
Frog Discussion 
Frogs toob on blocks with tongs
Leapfrog phonics
Dot paint the frog
ABC Flash cards
Hoppers and Net from Elefun
Trace Ff Dry Erase Center

This is our normal routine everyday for school. Here's how we started our day. Once again the Lord led us to the perfect bible story. The Heavy Storm- Which was perfect because Hurricane Isaac would be hitting and knocking on our front door in the morning! Went over discussion page on frogs, traced Ff and Dot painted Frog. 

Counting with hoppers as he put them in the net. 

Playing Catch the frogs- just kinda winged this game, he tossed the frogs in my net and I did the same to him, he enjoyed it. 

Leapfrog Phonics- We went over past letters and then focused on letter Ff. 

Frogs on a log- I got out our frogs from the Frog Toob and some wooden blocks and had him use tongs to transfer to the logs- we counted and said colors of the frogs.
I let him have free play with the frogs while I went and checked up on the news to see how the weather was going. It was headed straight for us :( 

It was such a beautiful day! And so breezy and peaceful. It was so hard to believe that the next morning and next few days would be so yucky! 

Well Wednesday it was raining and wind was blowing so hard that I wasn't too excited about running out to the school house so I told Cowboy we would just have the day off..... Yeah well did not go over too well with him. So I remembered I had printed off the Doc Mcstuffins Tot Pack from 1+1+1=1 and I hadn't brought it out to school yet. So he was really excited about having school with Doc Mcstuffins on my bedroom floor! 

This pack is so neat! He connected Uppercase and lower letters, letter find, Matching game......

All was going well until ..... LIGHTS OUT! I am pretty sure this was his first lights out experience- but that didn't stop him. He ran and got a flashlight and kept on working!

Find the shape....

Graphing, puzzles, and Counting! 

Here is a picture of what it looked like outside and my crazy hubby fixing things in the middle of it! He was soaked ! You can see the tree behind the playhouse was getting a workout from the wind! And our little house had its roof blown off! But we saved it :) Just were not going to put it back on till storm was over..

Letter G-


Number worksheet and dot stickers
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Leapfrog Phonics
Crayola Dry Erase Center
ABC Magnets and Graph
ABC Flash Cards

I went out to the schoolhouse and noticed a very strong smell- It was the mildew smell from something wet :(

Then I realized the floors were soaked! We also were still without power and it was pretty hot. So I Left the door open but all these things combined of course spelled instant headache for mommy and hyperactive boy! So I kinda rushed this day!

Letter H-


Dry Erase Center
Leapfrog Phonics
Number 8 worksheet
Hungry Hippos
ABC Flash Cards

Another headache- So another quick day....but Praise God ... We had power which made it a little more bearable for me at least I was able to point fans towards the floor to help dry which... didn't help but hey! It helped me think it was doing something:) 

Hungry Hungry Hippos! 

We did an H box and filled it with things that started with letter H! And he played with his latch board.

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  1. Oh man, you guys did a LOT! Way to go, Momma. I'd love to ride an elephant too, haha.
