
Sunday, March 10, 2013

W is for Walrus- Tot School

Tot School - Cowboy is Currently 44 Months Old

Letter Ww

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This weeks Trays

Trays Include:

Bible Memory Verse

Whatever is True, Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely, Admirable- If anything is Excellent or Praiseworthy- Think about such things. 
-Philippians 4:8 

Intro to Letter W using Starfall, Letter School, and ABC's of God via Ipad

Talking about Mr. Walrus, using our Discussion Sheet and Mr. W from Little People A to Z Learning Zoo set. We decided he looks A LOT like the Lorax... :) 

Checking out this weeks Tray Set up... 

Writing and Tracing Practice

Tracing Letter W Page on Dry Erase Center 

Tracing Ww is for Walrus in his Tot Notebook.... 

He has come so.... Far with his tracing and writing skills! 

Building with Learning Resources Candy Construction and he even opened the book ON HIS OWN to figure out things to build!! Milestone!  

Using Melissa & Doug Alphabet Stamp Set to Decorate his Paper

Reading Worms Wagon Letter W from AlphaTales Box Set 

Letter W Alphabet Soup Sorters Going over what words start with W and The sound that it makes

Vocabulary Development

 Theme "Window" Items in Home 
- Roof, Flooring, Stove, Tub.... Etc. and Matching the Vocabulary cards to the page in his Tot Book. 

  Practicing counting and number recognition by using Number Cards and matching them to the numbers on chart in his Tot Book. 

Letter Craft

Cutting out Mr. Walrus- Then Used Dollar Tree Stamps to Stamp the W with different Colors and Objects, then Glue on the Walrus 



Size Sequence, Shadow Matching, and Ww window Puzzle

 W is for Watermelon Free Printable Magnet Sheet - from Confessions of a Homeschooler

Practicing Colors and Shapes With Diego Shapes and Colors Cards 

Im Pretty Sure the Feel & Find Puzzle Bag  this is one of Cowboys Favorite Trays... and Free Play items to play with on his own... He loves to Line up the puzzles and Feel for which one is next in the line of Puzzles. He gets so excited when he finds the right one, Especially when he is playing by himself, he always has to tell me... "Mommy, I Got It" - then I stand up and do a happy dance for Him... Sorry no pictures of that :P

I was organizing the Pom Poms for a Project and doing a little sorting of my own , by size... So Cowboy asked if he could help- he helped but I noticed that he loved just running his hands in the box of Pom Poms....EUREKA-  Next Sensory Bin?!? Why had I never thought of this before !

Another fun Learning Experience- Lou is a Girl Scout! And YES its that time- COOKIES, they are overtaking my house! Well we decided to go through them all and get all the orders counted, separated, and organized for delivery. This was a "Loose my Mind" Mommy moment- but also a great counting, sorting and organizing experience for all of the kids. Both Cowboy and Butter helped Lou and I count and put together each order...... 

At First, Butter was like, What you wanna give all these cookies away?? Mommy is always talking about sharing and stuff...  And Cowboy was like,  you will get to keep a few boxes butter..... Here! You can have some of mine... 

Then Butter was all-- Oh, ok then, that will work... as long as .... I can EAT them ... 

Thanks for Stopping by! I Would Love to hear from you, comments are welcome- Come back soon :P 

This blog does include affiliate links. Which means, if you click on certain links on my site, it will bring you to the site showing you where you can purchase the item. If you choose to purchase I do make a VERY small commission, which is greatly appreciated.  Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything. I just want my readers to have easy reference to the tools that I use. I do not blog to make money, I do it for my kids and to hopefully help or be a blessing to other moms. Thanks :}

Linking Up with :

I Can Teach My Child                
  Tot School

 Tot School Tuesday-


  1. Visiting from Preschool & Kindergarten Corner (and now following). I love your tray activities, and I'm thinking pom poms might be great for my next sensory tub, too. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks So Much Debbie for taking the time to write and the very sweet comments!!!! Thank you for following :P

  2. Hello, I found you via Homeschool Creations. I LOVE your site and will be following regularly! My little boy has autism and Sensory Processing Disorder and I am always looking for Sensory Bin activities... AND I have a LOT of Pom-poms... thank you for a Ta-Dah moment on this Monday morning!

    1. Thank you So much!!! So glad you found us :P Keep coming back!
