
Sunday, March 10, 2013

DIY - Truffula Trees- Dr. Seuss The Lorax


DIY -Truffula Trees - From Dr. Seuss The Lorax 

Dr. Seuss was Born on March 2, 1904- and since it is March- and almost Spring- we decided to celebrate both by reading one of our favorite books and make a special craft- I got the idea from Vanessa over at Tot School Tuesday. They were so cute! We added our own touches here and there as we went along, and also made a little forest with the Barbaloot bears too! 

We of course Read the Book - The Lorax , talked about trees and how they are important. How God created trees to help us breathe clean air... etc. Then we talked about the Quote from the book and what it means and how it related to the story and how we can relate it to Jesus and God- and how God loved soooo much, a whole awful lot to send Jesus, his only Son- to save us! I also tried to teach them, (the best that I could on a 4 and 1 year old level) how if we are passionate about something- and want a change, it only takes 1 person, and that we may be that 1 God calls to make a difference, so we should always be listening to our heart...(spirit) for what God is calling us to do.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. 

Cowboy also watched the youtube of the short film the Lorax from 1972. Its only about 25 minutes :P You can see it HERE.


We Used:
Pony Beads

Before we started, I hot glued the pom poms on to Colored Straws and Pipe Cleaners for the little ones to avoid any burns or messes :P 

I simply took out our Box of Pony Beads and they started pushing the beads right on :) I just knew it would be a little hard for Butter to do it - BUT WOW- he totally shocked me by using those Fine Motor Skills and doing just as good as the Big Kids!! He did not need me to help him, nor did he want me to ! He was Mr. Independent. He did a great job and had a blast doing it! 

Lou and I did the Straws because they were a little harder. Depending on the size of your beads, and or straws, you will need to bend them in the middle to get the beads to go on. 

Butter was so proud of himself and felt SOOO Big like his Brother and Sister ! 

Such Concentration.... 

Cowboy shouted, " Look Mommy, I doin a pattern, which it looks like he started too... but...who cares right?!?! I said, Oh WOW!! Look at you! Such a Smart boy to do a pattern all by yourself! 

They all did such a great job working together, and helping one another. I would almost venture to rename them PEACE trees :P It was an excellent activity to do with them for so many reasons, but my favorite was how QUIET it was as they worked... AHHH....

The Finished Product ! ! Aren't they so pretty!! 

We used foam paper glued on top of a piece of Styrofoam for the grass. We cut little tiny holes in the foam paper so that the pipe cleaners and straws would go in easily. We used a few small brown pom poms to represent the Barbaloot Bears scattered about, and an orange one to represent the Lorax in the Forrest. 

Then, so that they could be like a homemade playset- we stuck them in some plastic totes Blue to represent the sky, and green for the bottom for grass :P 

Very Fun and Easy DIY Project! The kids really enjoyed this family activity !! 

Thanks for Stopping By! Come Back Soon! We love Comments!!!


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