
Friday, March 1, 2013

Birthday Tot School- Cowboy is 4!!!

Birthday Tot School

Happy Birthday Cowboy who is Currently 4 years old!! 

My Little Man is growing up way too fast :{.... This week for Tot School I set up his trays with a Birthday Theme to Celebrate him the whole week~! Cowboy absolutely LOVED this week. Here is a look at our Set up. 

I wanted to make his Birthday as Fun as possible! So I decorated everything- to make it special for him :) I used the Alphabet Soup Sorters to spell out Birthday and decorated around it with a few Jumbo Magneatos . I also save the tops from the Buddy Fruits because they are just so neat and come in handy for school projects or decorations. Also at the top is his Dry Erase Center with the Number 4 Worksheet from the Birthday Tot Pack by Over the Big Moon. Then the oh so loved...Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake , Melissa & Doug Bake and Decorate Cupcake Set and Melissa & Doug Birthday Party Cake

Bible Memory Verse
I chose you before I formed you in the womb, I set you apart before you were born, I appointed you a prophet among Nations...
-Jeremiah 1:5 

Birthday Morning was a "Special" Chocolate Doughnut Covered with Sprinkles and 4 Candles that I hand delivered while we all sang Happy Birthday. 

He Loved his Special Breakfast!!! 

I gave him a Birthday Boy Ribbon that he got to wear all Day...week... and would still be wearing if I wouldn't have taken it away!! He did the Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake a lot this week!  

This tray is counting candles with Playdough Cupcakes. I put a number card in front of each cupcake and he would have to place that many into the cupcake and then I would switch the numbers around for the next round. 


I made a Birthday Sensory Bin using things I already had laying around, in which Cowboy Loved! To see what all I used check out my post -----> Birthday Sensory Bin

He had Blow Stick wars with Lou....

 He Cooked us up a plateful of yummy birthday surprise.... while I made him a Super Yummy Birthday Drink...

Then he fixed me one :}

We had Party Blower Races using the Party Blowouts to blow the Magic Nuudles  
across the floor. This was just, if anything, hilarious !!! 

Then of Course, If it wasn't funny enough with me on the floor, blow a nuudle.... watching these two go at it was hysterical.  

 Hide and Seek with Glow Sticks......We all took turns Hiding them.... Who the heck hid one on the toilet???? Grosssssss

Sensory Balloons

I filled up some balloons with different textures such as rice, popcorn, sugar, sunflower seeds, Craft pompoms, water, and flour. We talked about using our 5 senses. He had to guess what was inside of the balloons. He really enjoyed trying to figure out a few of them! 

Then he made Colorful Ice Cream- I used different size pompoms, ice cream cone cups, and a spoon for scooping.... 


Lou had just as much fun as Cowboy this week! 

Putting together a Happy Birthday Puzzles, What comes Next, and Birthday Counting Page from Over the Big Moons Pack

 Playing Find the Birthday Cake and Size Sequence Birthday Balloons from Homeschool Creations Birthday Pack

All the kids made Felt Birthday Hats using Foam Shape Stickers. 


Butter did so good practicing his fine motor skills by taking the backs off of the stickers :P

Matching Colors on the Birthday Color Match Wheel from HERE using Clothes Pins with Color Guides 

Butter practiced counting to 5 along with mommy on the Counting Candles Birthday Cake ....

He also loved exploring the Sensory Balloons!! 

Dramatic Play

The kids opened up a pretend Bakery and colored cupcakes and made cakes using Melissa & Doug Bake and Decorate Cupcake SetMelissa & Doug Birthday Party Cake, and  Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake 

I loved playing bakery and ordering and eating as many FAKE cupcakes as I wanted...mmmmm gotta Love Birthdays!!! 

 That was it for Birthday Schooling.... But here is a glimpse at Cowboys actual Birthday.... he had Birthday Donuts, went rock climbing at the park, bowling, played games, and had fun driving bumper cars!!!

I absolutely hate that my little people are all growing up.... but I feel so Blessed to be their Mommy and Honored to be able to spend every second.... with them.... Happy Birthday Cowboy... Mommy, Daddy, Sissy and Butter love you soooo very much!! We had so much fun hanging out and honoring you on your special day!! xoxoxoxo

Thanks for Stopping by! We would love for you to comment and Follow our Blog! :) 

This blog does include affiliate links. Which means, if you click on certain links on my site, it will bring you to the site showing you where you can purchase the item. If you choose to purchase I do make a VERY small commission, which is greatly appreciated.  Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything. I just want my readers to have easy reference to the tools that I use. I do not blog to make money, I do it for my kids and to hopefully help or be a blessing to other moms. Thanks :}

Linking up with :
                   Tot School I Can Teach My Child



  1. I like how you put the number sequence picture puzzle on the magnet board. I'm going to try that next time. So much fun happening here! :)

    1. Awesome! thanks for stopping by! Come back or we would love some new followers ! :P

  2. What a fun week! I love all the activities you did and I bet he felt like such a special birthday boy! I jumped over from 1+1+1=1 tot school linky. I have a 3.5 yo and 2.5 yo girls so I will be saving these ideas for later. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. What a great week! We are going to do a birthday theme in a couple week. What did you put inside the sensory balloons?

    1. Thanks Nicole!! How fun :P I used things like popcorn seeds, sunflower seeds, pompoms, flour, salt, water, sugar, and rice :)
