
Friday, February 1, 2013

Human Body Unit- Cells - 5th Grade

Cells Cells they are Made of Organelles! 

I decided at the beginning of the year to take a leap and make my own Unit Studies. I printed off the Common Standards for 5th grade from world book, and I also asked Lou what she would like to learn about this year. She gave me a list, and I looked and compared how I could somehow pull off what she needed to know and combine it with what she WANTS to learn... So the first was Rainforests, and we covered that earlier this year- She made her very first Lapbook with all she learned from the Rainforest Study. You can Click HERE to see that Lapbook. 

Another BIG want for her was to learn about the Human Body because she is interested, as of right now, wanting to go into the medical field as a Doctor or Nurse. So that just so happened to be on CCS list for her grade! I did A LOT of digging and spent hours at the library and researching different Ideas for our lesson plan! We did a ton of activities for this part of the Unit :) It was awesome and a lot of fun- She even had a Doctor Themed Birthday Party (you can see it HERE) ! The following pictures are just a tiny part of what we did when learning about Cells ! 

I had been looking for a Microscope and finally found a "Like New" one for her! She was so excited ! It came with a Bunch of pre-made slides to look at- here she is looking at Blood samples and Shrimp eggs YUCK! But she loved it! 

Lou is so sweet :) She had a little mini Microscope that she passed down to her little Brother Cowboy- He thought he was Sooo Big looking and making his own observations! 

We found a Youtube Video on Parts of Cell that we just LOVED! Its sort of a rap to help you remember each part of a cell and its function- she liked it so much that she just listened to it for fun! You can find the link to the Video HERE

We made a Jello Mold of a Cell - You can see the HOW TO GUIDE HERE

Lou and the boys :P As she sings them the Cell Rap! And Sorting Organelles 

Here are some other things Lou has been up to in school- This has nothing to do with Cells- Just Life Skills :P Helping by peeling Potatoes for Dinner !

Working on her NEW Math Curriculum that we LOVE! Math U See  and helping Cowboy Draw :) 

There are a ton of resources that can be used to plan your own Cell Unit- if I can help in anyway leave me a comment :) thanks for stopping by!

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