
Friday, December 28, 2012

Letter P - Tot School Farm Week Pt 2

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 46 Months Old

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Be Sure to Check out Farm Week Part 1 HERE Letter P 

This Weeks Trays:

Another week of Farming with Cowboy!!! This week we continued to review the Letter P is for Pig and did all things farm! 

Here we are talking about tractors and reading the book My First Book of Tractors and then we did Barnyard Animals Jumbo Knob Puzzle and talked about the 3 Animals. 


We have a ton of magnets that are Farm Themed- The first set he is using is the LeapFrog Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set . You have to match the Animals or you can mix them up and you get something like a Duck Cow! That always got a laugh!! 

 We also have the Sesame Street Farm Magnets that is pretty simple and he just liked putting the animals in the Barn and shutting them in and letting Big Bird drive the Tractor!

Next he just kinda played on his own and made his own Farm using the Magnets

He really likes this particular set of Magnets- Magnetic Farm - You get to place the animals wherever and how ever you want. He set them up and then told me a story as he would move them around. I love hearing his ideas and how his imagination just thinks things up as he goes :) 

Lou played his favorite game "Pop the Pig " with him. They both really enjoy this game at first I thought it was so silly and had no point but it actually teaches things like, counting, numbers, colors, and using your strength to push that pigs head down!! 

These were some neat Vocabulary cards I found HERE. We talked about each word and where it comes from what it gives us etc. Like Cotton, where does it grow? What does it make? What color is it? What does it feel like? ETC. 

The next set of cards were so neat! They were eye opening to Cowboy about where things come from and what produces what- Chicken = Eggs = Chicken Meat . After we went over each set he then had to match them up with the correct "Producer and Product" it was a little difficult at first but after going over for a few days he got it! 

                                                             Yet another Farm Puzzle!

Free play with Pop-Onz Pop 'n Build Blocks and Pop-Onz Table . He made his own mini farm using the blocks. He even made a two blade windmill- 

We played Perfection a few times he really likes this game too. I think between this and Pop the Pig- he likes things that POP up! 

 We have a game called Snorta - Its a little too advanced for him but has really cool pieces that come with it! All sorts of Farm Animal figures, and each one had their own Barn! I just let him Free play with this and a little people tractor. We counted the barn houses and made different farm animal sounds while he played.

 This day he just was itching to Glue- So I poured him some pom poms and tried to get him to make me the letter P - But he wanted to make a Barn... So this week was fun!! I love Farming with Cowboy!! Cant wait to do this theme again soon !

Story Time

We read the book Little Chicks and Pop up Farm Book. 

I printed out a playdough mat from HERE called Baby Chicks. I would tell him a number and he would have to make that many baby chicks using moon dough from his Moon Dough - Pizza Shop to put in the pin and then we would do it over again. 

Free play with more... POP THE PIG....

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  Tot School

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