
Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year, New Season, (time to play Catch up)

Wahoo! Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and wow am I behind! I took some time off for the holidays because of traveling and well just because I NEEDED SOME TIME OFF - I say that to myself a lot and then start to feel guilty and feel like my kids are falling behind, and why was I so selfish to take time off? Then something during the "time off period" happens like me getting sick, and that = more time off but not enjoyable time, time to heal. I have had to come to the realization, that though I try so hard to be on time, up to date, organized and scheduled- that's just not going to happen. That is just not me first of all HAHA, and secondly, things happen like for instance, LIFE !!!

So as I may strive this year once again to be Perfect wife, christian, mother, home school teacher, friend, maid, cook, daughter, mommy blogger, etc.... I am also going into the new year with the " I am not perfect" attitude. We will see how long that lasts... But on a serious note, I know there are mommas out there like me who try so hard to keep up, and want to be that "on top of things" kinda mom, but end result- FAIL- and then end up all upset over it. I just want to be me- which right now ME= Not Perfect but Tries really really hard :) 

I am behind on a few posts from Last year (wow sounds so weird last year?!?!?) which I will be posting over the..... WAIT- Which, I am going to TRY MY VERY BEST to post :P over the next few days.... I hope I still have some readers and followers out there :) I pray that you all have a Wonderful 2013 =) Thanks for reading! 

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