
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My First Steps to learning Books

I am so excited to share this! I have been wanting a set of books, actually a few different sets of books, each focusing on single letters of the alphabet. I found some on ebay that I ordered just the other day from scholastic. I will share them with you when they come in and give a review of them. I cant wait for them to come in to put with the weekly trays and lessons about the specific letter we are working on. Today I went to pick the kids up from GG's because its Tuesday and I have bible study and my awesome mom watches them for me. Cowboy had a book in his hand... as I looked at it it was called My "B" Book!I got so excited and asked my mom, "Is that a full set?!?" She told me she thought so and I immediately asked CAN I HAVE THEM! Ahhh the things that excite me? Ridiculous! So anyways I now will have 2 books to put out each week to correspond with the letter we are working on :) and that my friends makes this momma happy! Here is a link to the set of books My first steps to learning. I am going to start using these tomorrow and will let you know how they are but, I can already tell you I am going to love them!


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