
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cc is for Caterpillar-Tot School

                                              Tot School- Cowboy is currently 40 months old.

Monday we reviewed letter A and B. Today we started with letter Cc. Here's what our trays looked like today.

We started off with the letter Cc craft, which was the cutting and gluing tray. The object of the craft was to practice gluing, cutting and pasting. I cut out the letter C for him and let him cut out the caterpillars to paste on the letter C. He cut a little and I helped with the rest.
Then we moved onto dot paint with the letter Cc. We went over the sound of the letter and tried another animal, C is for Cat. I had him say the letter each time he dotted one and tell me if it was big or small.

We read the Very Hungry Caterpillar , which is Cowboys favorite book! He can almost read the entire book to me. We counted the fruit and talked about the colors etc. I also have a theme pack that I printed here from 1+1+1=1. I am hoping to dig that out sometime this week to add to a tray and to share with you. I remember doing it last year and him not quite grasping it all. I think it will be fun to see how he does with it now that he is a little bit older.
Today's Bible lesson was on Gods rules.

I really was expecting more with this lesson, all it really talked about in the book was that Moses went on the mountain and told of the rules, and asked different questions. I would have liked to have gone further with this. I think because this is a real big issue with Cowboy. He is very strong willed and has a mind of his own. He is currently struggling in the listening and obeying department :( I have noticed something with him though, just here recently if I tell him there are RULES, he gets that, he understands we don't break rules. I am constantly telling him to listen and do do do, so I am thinking about changing my wording because this Cowboy is not far from being renamed Outlaw! So this week I am going to try and put more thought into this topic of Gods rules and will probably post a stand alone post specifically regarding this lesson, once I wrap my head around it and get it organized.

Preparing for today, I came across an old cat jigsaw puzzle that I decided to throw on a tray. How fitting with C being for Cat and all Ha! Cowboy is not the greatest at jigsaw puzzles but I thought I would try it anyways. Tot trays are to help master skills, for what they do know and what they are learning. So I put it on there and he was super excited about it. He dumped it and of course wanted me to help but he did really good on his own for the most part! Then we read a few of the mini books, and called it a day!



  1. The VHC was a favourite of mine when I was little, it is one of the books I remember reading :)
    You asked on my blog about adding tot school button, easy way is just to right click on the tot shcool image, save to computer and then you can upload like you do with your photos.
    I can't find the buttons on 1+1+1=1 site just now, usually sites have a place where you can copy some "computer speak" text, which you need to add to your post in the edit HTML writing bit of your post (you probably usually type in the compose section - the tabs are at the top of the post text.
    hope that helps

  2. Thank you so much for responding! I will give that a shot :)
