
Monday, June 11, 2012

Water and slides

I havent blogged in a while due to we havent had anything exciting happening. Cowboy and I finished up letter Bb Thursday and Friday and didnt do many activities because he was pretty down and out with his cold. As you can see in the pictures, his poor nose was so stopped up that his mouth is open in each one :( But we did manage to do a letter b collage, using Sisscors, glue and magazines using cut outs of the letter Bb and things that start with the letter Bb.

Saturday was a much needed do nothing kind of a day. My husband and I got productive though and unpacked our camping totes that we had for when we went tent camping we would just grab. Of course the boys helped too. At least they thought they were by jumping and climbing on everything. But cowboy actually did help by unpacking things and putting them where he thought they should go.

Ohhh, how nice it will be now we unloaded all 6 of these BIG totes into the pop up. Whew! I cant wait to go camping and not have to worry about loading up 6 totes plus clothes and tents etc. Its going to be so nice just to hook up jump in and roll out!

 Sunday my brother had a graduation party. There was a huge water slide and a big jumping thing for the kids. We hung out with family and friends, ate some BBQ and watched the kids have fun.

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