
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Last Game

Tonight was the last night of ball for the summer. This season was not the best "team" season to say the least but Lou's best season as far as her skill. She had to step up this year and give it all she had. She was on a team with very negative players and parents. They did not win one single game which doesn't matter if you are having fun, but the fun was drained out of it. It was full of lessons and wisdom, that is for sure, and I pray that she walked away tonight having been a light to others around her and learned the lessons that were there. I am pretty sure she did. She soared this year and grew a lot. My sweet girl is growing up, and I am so proud of her for not being afraid to be herself.

Butter watched and cheered for his sissy on the the fence line. Then again, he may have been trying to flirt with the girl on deck :)

Daddy even got in the spotlight tonight, he had to help pitch with the pitching machine. Goofball, cheesing for the camera when he should be pitching! Cowboy was so proud though, he thought his daddy was so cool out on the field pitching the ball.

Here is a shot of Daddy pitching and Lou hitting :)

Batter up!!


  1. YAY Lou!!! Congrats on your season, I hear you were a total rock star :)
