
Monday, November 11, 2013

P is for Pumpkin- Tot and Preschool

        Letter P - With Cowboy (4) and Butter (2)

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I was featured for Tot School!

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Bible Memory Verse

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to God. Psalm 147:1

So to start off our fall season, I wanted to do something special to display the kids work and decided to make them a bulletin board. I am so clueless about them, but I made this one and the kids loved it!! They each made little moving Scarecrows, and I hung them up on our sliding glass door facing outside for them to always see their work. I think I might start doing this all the time :) They enjoyed seeing their work as they played outside and I think it shows them how proud mommy is of them too!! 

Decorating their Scarecrows for the Bulletin Board

I made felt pumpkins for them to make different faces on... more about them and how to make HERE

To start off the week, we read the The Pumpkin Patch Parable as I introduced the Letter P and we also did our My ABC Bible Verses for letter P. They are coloring a P worksheet as we talk about the story. 

We watched a video on YouTube about the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin. I liked the video bc its just pictures and words and I could read them out loud and sound like a super smart Mom that knows what shes talking bout! :)  Then we discussed the different stages and made mini books to go in their pumpkin lapbooks. Most of the mini books for this lapbook came from HERE

We went to a pumpkin patch for a field trip one day, and we each picked out a pumpkin to bring home. 

We all got different sizes and I had a light go off one day in my brain, "HEY!!!" Size Sequence~! So - Here are the boys putting them in order Big to Small - Small to Big. 

We learned a new nursery rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, and we reviewed it everyday of the week. Along with songs Did you ever see a Pumpkin?, 5 little Pumpkins, and We all fall down. You can find printable of the songs HERE. They did a craft to go along with Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, to go in their lapbook. You can get that Craft HERE

I really really wish I would have had my GOOD camera, for these pictures as the boys dance to We all Fall Down around the Pumpkins. It was so cute!!! Sorry they are fuzzy, but they are memories for me! :P

Butter playing in the Sensory Bin with Gin :) Even Gin did some sorting ... =P

Painting Pumpkin Mini Book

 Finger Painting Crayola Fingerpaint!! 


 I made a pumpkin patch file folder game printable available HERE- each vine has a pumpkin missing, you have to put the right letter back in its correct patch. 

Exploring with Jumbo Magneatos...

 Measuring- How many Magneatos Tall are You?

 All the kids played Pop the Pig - Not Pumpkin related but hey- it starts with a P!! 

Cowboy did a Mini book on the Parable of the Sower available HERE and practiced making the letter P. 

Drawing Shapes to make a face on the pumpkin, then counting how many of each shape he used and recording on the paper. 

Size Sequence Pumpkins for Front of Lapbook. 

Butter exploring with Moon Dough on a gorgeous day!! 

Gluing Craft Pom Poms on Letter P Dot Page. 

Cutting Practice, Matching, and Counting using orange Unifix Cubes with Pumpkins. The worksheets are from this printable pack found HERE

We had an awesome week learning all about Pumpkins !!! 

Be sure to check back to see how our Pumpkin Lap Book Turned out!! 

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Tot School

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