
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thrifty Thursday


I am not sure if this will be an every week thing or not but when I find a great deal, I will be sharing! This week was awesome and could not wait to share it with you. I spent a grand total of $20.25. Just wait until you see what I got~!! 

Deal 1: Craigslist 

I started out with scoring a great deal on Craigslist. I had been wanting one of these Fisher Price Counting Pigs for Cowboys Tot Trays for a while now. I also knew Butter would enjoy playing with it too. They are $25.00 brand new and I was not about to pay that, so when this one listed for $5 on Craigslist.. SCORE!!! I can't wait to start using it to teach the concept of money, counting, sorting and colors! Isn't he so cute!! 

Deal 2 : Facebook Local Page

My town has a local Facebook page where you can sell, buy, swap or search for items on the page. This week we are doing E is for Elephant in Tot School. While preparing for the week I was wishing I had the Elefun game because it would be so cool to have for free play. Well I searched online on all my regular sites and thrift stores and then I remembered the local page. I had never posted an ad on the page "seeking" something before so, I wasn't sure how long I would have to wait for a response. Well, within 2 hours of the post, a lady contacted me and told me she had one in her garage sale pile, and for me to bring her $5 and it was mine :) I was real excited! While she was getting it ready, she came across Pop the Pig. I remembered seeing a commercial for it and thought, "how dumb." She brought it when we met up and I literally laughed out loud. I had to get it too. It was super silly but my kids would love it. I am not quite sure what the educational value of this game will be other than, don't eat 16 hamburgers or you will POP! Just kidding, the burgers are colored, numbered, and you have to count each time you feed him. I am now realizing, YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING EDUCATIONAL! It was $5 also. I would totally recommend you to look and see if your town has a local page, if not, You should start one ! I have sold a few things through it and now have had the experience of searching and buying something. You never know, there may be something you have been wanting that someone else has stored away, just waiting for you to scoop it up! 

Deal 3: Thrift Store 

Can I just say I love thrift stores! You can find so many treasures in a thrift store. Especially if you are like me and are always looking for things to make learning fun. I went to a thrift store about 2 weeks ago and got a bunch of books for school and a brand new Street Car Rug for the boys to drive their cars on and only spent $4 for all of it. Well this week I went in looking for one thing in particular, a brown basket, which I did find... and ... yeah well...a few other things.

I love the fact that all my kids, as of right now, love books; reading them, looking at pictures or being read to. So I, of course, in an effort to keep them interested in them, had to look through the books and WOW! I found some great ones!

I also found this neat game called Atlas to use for Geography. Then I saw this Mancala thing. Opened it up and it had the COOLEST wooden sorter thing full of different colored stones. Honestly, I could have cared less what the game was about I wanted this wooden sorter! It says $3 but I got it for $1. 

My total was $4. So what about the other $1.25? Well, Lou was at VBS when I made this trip. When I went to pick her up, she saw the little brown basket I got for Butter and I was BUSTED! She was a little upset that I went thrifting without her.... She then decided to inform me that she TOO had been wanting a brown basket JUST like it, (My thoughts were something like: yeah?!?! for what, who knows... I mean seriously? Its a brown basket !! Jealous Much?) Even though I had those thoughts, I am a sucker and told her that there was another one there just like it and we could stop by there on the way home so she could get it. She is a little spoiled... Just a little though. (The littlest things make Lou happy, I love that about her.) It cost a whole 25 cents. So we went in to get it, and on the way to check out I noticed they had put out another one of those wooden Sorter things!!! So I snatched it up! Total $1.25 :) 


I am not so sure this is a deal or what.... I am thinking it is, mainly because it was free, so even if we cant use it, we weren't out of pocket. My husband gets credit for these. He had to run out to the store one night and saw 3 of these on a curb and picked them up thinking we could do something cool with them. He can find a use for anything. Although that "cool idea" has not entered our brains yet. Honestly, I am not even sure what these things are. They look like Drying Hangers that you throw your clothes over, but I don't know. If you DO know, please share! Also if you have any ideas, please share. In the meantime I will be trying to figure out what to use them for. I will keep you posted :) 

Your turn! Go out and be thrifty and make sure to come back here and share your "Steals of Deals!"

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