
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Planting Seeds that Grow!

Every year I strive to have memory verses to be a part of our weekly routine. Every year, I fail. Honestly, because I personally don't like memorizing anything. Scripture, recipes, directions, etc. I mean if I don't just remember it, I'm done. I have so much going on that to sit and memorize anything is just not going to happen. I have tried and I will be one verse in and I am thinking, "did I mail that bill?", "what can I cook for dinner?" and "oh I need to add that to my to do list" I know that's horrible but it is what it is.. Truth. In saying that, every year it eats me up :( I know that it is very important to know Gods word and over the years I have remembered some scriptures just by going to church, reading or hearing it repeated and have taught them to the kids. So here I am again, planning for a new year and the desire is still there, the desire for my kids to grow up knowing, loving and depending on God's promises and to know that when things in life and mainly people let you down, they know that one thing remains the same and does not return void and that's the Word of God. "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

I think the number one reason I lacked in this area is because I am my kids number one influence. I try to be the kind of mom God wants me to be, but once again, FAIL to be perfect and I screw up alot and they see me for me. So I guess me and my "I'm just not good enough" thoughts kept pushing it aside because I didn't want my kids to think I was trying to teach them things that I myself did not do or practice. Then God showed me that its not only for my kids but for me as well. I NEED THIS. I need to know his word, I need to have it deep in my bones, I need to grow spiritually. As I was planning for this school year, I told myself I gotta do this and stick with it this year because its required of me as a parent and a teacher. "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
Proverbs 22:6

So I started researching... Yet again.... And I came across Seeds family Worship. I thought to myself oh this is just another boring verse sung to the tune of some nursery rhyme- but I found a couple YouTube videos by them...I was Shocked as I listened the songs they were awesome!


They created music to go along with scripture in a very fun unique and "memorable" way :) My favorite part is its just the scripture no added words. I don't know about you, but give me a song and if I like it, I'm singing it word for word not even realizing I had "Memorized" the lyrics. Seeds Family Worship is just what I had been looking for! I listened to a few songs and immediately fell in love and bought some albums and added it to our Calendar Time activities.

 Also not only did the songs rock but I found some FREE print outs HERE and HERE to go along with the scriptures and lessons.

They are not only for kids, but for momma and daddy too! I listen to them by myself even when I am not around the kids HAHA! If you are like me and have a desire to teach your kids scripture, whether they are big or small, homeschooled or not homeschooled, or even yourself for that matter, I totally recommend Seeds Family Worship! We have already memorized Philippians 4:6-7 and Lou has made up motions for it !! Butter shakes and dances and Cowboy of course says it the best way he can but does great!!

(I do not have a blog to make money. I simply add links to things I enjoy and think my readers would like as well. If you are interested in purchasing Seeds Family Worship click on the picture links and it will take you to their site. If you go through my site to purchase them I am an affiliate and will receive a small percentage of the purchase. No I will not see who purchased, but for anyone who does THANK YOU so much!)

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