
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First look at the 2013-2014 School Year

All in One

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I was featured for Tot School!

This post is of our first few weeks of school, I am just putting it all in one post because I am lazy and need to play catch up :) This year I am trying and testing workboxes with Lou and Cowboy and tot trays for Butter. The main planning focus for me this year is Lou, who will in the future have her own separate posts from the boys- because for Cowboy and Butter, its still so much more important to me that they play and explore than do paper work. Although Cowboy BEGS for School Work! It still is not mandatory or a requirement that he does anything as far as I am concerned because I know he learns best by exploring things at this age, but I will say that it makes me so proud that he WANTS to learn! Then Butter, well he is all about making a mess, digging in everything and trying his best to fit into this new world of homeschool. So I would say hes pretty much doing what any 2 year old should be :P 

Here is what our first few weeks looked like! 

This is our setup in our schoolhouse this year... (if you are not familiar with our schoolhouse it is a rv that we renovated and made into a schoolhouse.) I am terrible and only took one picture that doesn't even show everything but here is a general Idea. To the left of Lou is her Workboxes, and I used an old toy organizer to hold Cowboys workboxes on the right. Butters tot trays are to the left as well but I didn't get a picture of everything together... maybe Next week!

I am still undecided as far as a base plan for Cowboy. I only say plan because I like to be organized and prepared for each day ahead of time. I know he LOVES doing his school work, so until he stops showing interest in his workboxes, I will continue to fill them up! So I am starting the year off with Raising Rock Star Preschoolers Curriculum from 1plus1plus1. I also pull a lot of things from online and another resource book called Do and Learn Preschool.

Coloring his Letter A Bible memory verse "A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath" Proverbs 15:1

 Q-tip Painting Letter A Sheet while Butter plays with Busy Gears

Butter is doing Tot Trays, so when he is interested in doing school work, his trays are filled with Tot School Printables and Learning Toys. For this Tray he used the Melissa & Doug Alphabet Stamp Set to stamp on the letter a Apple. 

We talked about Apples and the Color Red. 

 When I am working with Cowboy or Lou, I try my best to get Butter involved in one of his learning toys like this - Rock-a-Stack while I work with them. It doesn't usually last very long, but I will take a few minutes over none !

Cowboy making some patterns with Pattern Cards using Domination game pieces. Butter decided he wanted to join in as well so I talked about colors with him and patterns while working with Cowboy.

Cutting practice with a matching worksheet 

C had forgotten how to do this Sequence Sorting puzzle and was being a real grump about it... so I gave him a few hints and told him he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to but he was determined to finish it (totally love that quality about him) so when he finally finished he was extremely proud of himself... Can ya tell?

Happy to be reunited with his Candy Construction set

Working on writing the letter A together :)

My sweet girl... doing her reading assignment... how she concentrates during it all.. I will never know

Butter mailing out his colored letters... telling me the colors as he puts them in the mailbox! 

Love his little expressions!! Dot Painting the letter A and loving it!! 

 Working on another Cut and Paste Worksheet putting together a turtle.

Talking about Letter A and telling me what kind of animal he sees! 

Butter Poundin Nails...

 Color by number Letter A Worksheet

Gems in a Treasure Chest - We did lots of counting, adding and subtracting- Butter did some sorting but mainly loved filling and dumping the boxes :) 

 For spelling each week I try and switch things up.. because spelling is just so boring and who likes to spell? So Lou and I played Zip-It on this particular day and she LOVED it, so when daddy got home of course she had to challenge him!! Each player gets 12 letter blocks and start at the same time to build a crossword puzzle board of words...whoever uses all of their letters to make a word board first wins and yells Zip-It! And gets to Zip the zipper up on the bag, the first person to 10 wins!

Lessons in Responsibility : Cooking on the stove... Lou is already pretty good with the stove but just as a review she made lunch on this day. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese.

Sight word : Away
Cowboy READING yes that is right... READING on his own, the little reader from RRSP. He was so excited when he realized he could read a book! So was mommy! 

Counting to 12 on Abacus

Letter A Practice

Tech - K- 

Starfall, ABC's of God and Letter School Letter A on the Ipad. 

 Sorting by color- with Stack and Sort

Cutting, Taping and Measuring his Bible Memory Verse.

Apple 3 piece puzzle and order sequence- which after instructions... he put together ALL BY HIMSELF! 

Foam Magnets - Pattern Blocks with number 12 worksheet from COAH

C with his Letter A Certificate 

Everyone doing their own thing... this is my Class... and I love Them SOOO Much!! 

Sorry such a long post, I just needed to play catch up!! Hope you enjoyed a peek into our New School Year- In the future I plan on splitting up the Boys posts and Lou's for easier reference but also doing a week at glance- with all of them. Be sure to comment or ask any questions and I will do my best to answer! I love hearing from everyone and about what they are learning!!!  

This blog does include affiliate links. Which means, if you click on certain links on my site, it will bring you to the site showing you where you can purchase the item. If you choose to purchase I do make a VERY small commission, which is greatly appreciated. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything. I just want my readers to have easy reference to the tools that I use. I do not blog to make money, I do it for my kids and to hopefully help or be a blessing to other moms. Thanks :}

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Tot SchoolI Can Teach My Child


  1. It looks like everyone is having so much fun learning! I love all of your tot school ideas.

    1. Thank you Kirstylee!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  2. What a neat idea to use an RV for a school house. That way it has its designated area! Do you just keep it in the driveway?

    1. Kaysha thanks :) We keep it parked and on jacks in our back yard . I love having a separate place for school because we actually "go out" to school.... it has its pros and cons, but overall we love our little schoolhouse :)

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