
Monday, September 23, 2013

Annnndddd We are BACK!!!

Its like Coming Home !! 

Learning in Grace is on Facebook! Come on over and Click Like and let me know how you like our blog! We would love it if you would Comment and -------> Sign in on the right to Follow our Blog :P Thanks for stopping by!!

Hello to all my Blogger Pals :P Its time for a New School Year!!! Thanks for everyone sticking around throughout the dry weeks... we have been EXTREMELY busy! For those of you who do not know, we recently purchased a new home and have moved and that alone is a VERY stressful time especially if you are like me and .... Love Change but HATE organizing all the Changes!! So we have spent most of the end of our Summer and a little "Extended Summer" packing, and unpacking! We have finally reached a point where things are in order enough to where things can sorta get back to "Normal" again and we are able to start a New School Year! And that means, lots of Blogging and Sharing to come :) We actually Started our first week of School last week, which was a prep week really, because we are doing a lot of new things this year. I will be posting a blog post for the new things soon so please stick around and check us out! This year Lou (11)

 is a 6th grader, and I cant think about that too long, or I will start crying A LOT (because shes my baby... she cant be in 6th grade already) Ok Enough... See, if I get started I will go on and on- So where was I ? Oh, Yeah- (I do that sometimes... have a stutter of the brain- Bare with Me people) and then 
Cowboy (4)-

 is a Preschool DUDE!! Then Finally, my lil man Butter (2)  is a Big Boy and is starting his first Year of Tot School :) Exciting and Bitter Sweet- So we should have a lot to share this year from all my little people ! Hope you all have had an amazing summer and are enjoying your own, "Little Blessings" Look forward to sharing our week with you! See ya soon! 

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