
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

X is for X-Ray Fish - Tot School

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 48 Months Old
Tiny Tot- Butter is Currently 22 Months Old 

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This weeks Trays:
(When setting up this tray I tried to use things that you could see through or were kinda x-ray..ish since there is not a whole lot that starts with X! )  

Trays Include:
AlphaTales Box Set -Letter X -Alphabet Soup Sorters Letter X -The Beginner's Bible - Dry Erase Center - My First Steps to Reading Books Letter X-  Bible Memory Verse Cards - Sesame Street Board Books Letter X - Water Beads - Little People X-Ray Fish  Crayola Tracing Board - Baby Bear Counters - Three Bears Family Pattern Cards -  Melissa & Doug Bear Dress Up Wooden Puzzle - Learning Piggy Bank - Playdough Mat Letter X -  Fish Lacing Card - Chimp and Zee Alphabet Abc Puzzle - Tinker Toys

Bible Memory Verse:
Let us EXamine our ways and test them. And Let us Return to the Lord. 
Lamentations 3:40 

So this week... I am so glad Cowboy already knew the letter X ! I had previously planned for this letter to only take 2 days... and it kinda worked out that way... My poor Butter had a double ear infection this week and was just NOT himself, he was completely miserable and wanted his mommy at all times. So- this week we did not do all that much.. But we all loved A LOT on our sweet little man!! 

Cowboy and I going over his X-Ray Fish Discussion Sheet while he pretends to be a Fish! 

Tracing and Coloring in his Tot Book

He found the X-Ray in the Alphabet Soup Sorters

                      Putting together the Melissa & Doug Bear Dress Up Wooden Puzzle

I set out Water Beads and thought we could try and use his Cars Tracing Board as a light board. I thought it would be neat to use it and talk about x-rays and for him to explore with images. 

                    We even put Mr. X-Ray Fish on to see if we could see inside of him :)

Lou enjoyed exploring just as much as Cowboy ! 

Cowboy Stuck his hand under the board and said he was getting an X-Ray of his hand :P 

Butter thought he would push through and play for just a little while.... he loves water beads!! He at least had a little fun while he was not feeling good... :( 

We put the water beads in a little case and put them on top and then we tried them on the inside of the box and talked about how they looked different and how shadows from light are formed. All of the kids really enjoyed experimenting with the light board. 

He Dot Painted his Letter Craft this week 

              Playing with Little People Playground and Lincoln Logs neither of which were on trays!!!

A view of my Sweet Babies being so good doing their work while Mommy is in the Corner with a oh so miserable but so cute tot!!

: ( 


So that pretty much wraps up our letter X week ! As much as I hated my little man being sick... I did enjoy the school break and just being able to love on him !! He is so sweet ... this was his first time to ever be sick so I got to see a total different side to him, he is pretty demanding when sick... and ruled the roost! Thankfully though he is now fully recovered and doing fine ! Praise God : ) 


Moms Favorite :)
Butter Love
This Cowboy was some worried about his Butter!!

Thanks for Stopping By! Comments welcome :) We love um' !

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Linking Up With :

                   Tot School

I Can Teach My Child


 Tot School Tuesday-

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