
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Groundhog Day and Cold Lady Eating Snow Tot School

Tot School Extras With Cowboy

Currently 43  Months Old

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I don't usually post about EXTRA Book activities and such, I always plan to, but time is usually hard to come by ! So Here is just a little bit of extras outside of Just Animal ABCS :) 

We learned and talked about Winter! A perfect book to go along with Winter is There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow! by Lucille Colandro- I totally recommend this fun book to read regardless of theme, it is a funny book! Cowboy really enjoyed it. I found a tot pack to go along with it from 3Dinosaurs blog :P This Mom has some great tot packs and usually they can be used along with a great book. 

We Read and Sang the book, There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow! on the iPad via Kindle App because my Library did not have this Book :( 

 I cut out and Laminated some of the Matching Cards included with the Tot Pack, and put Velcro Dots on the backs to use with our Felt Board. So as we went through the Story Cowboy Placed the items the Cold Lady swallowed, onto the Board.

After we read the book we talked about each one the items as a vocabulary lesson. 

He wanted to Dot Paint the Light Bulb from the Story. 

There are some GREAT question sheets included, and I asked him the questions and wrote down his answers as he gave them to me.... These 2 were my favorite answers! I love asking him these kinds of questions because it is SO FUNNY to see what their answer is going to be. 


Do we get excited about Groundhog day? Um.. No.... Do we think a groundhog can actually tell by his shadow if its going to be a longer winter or early Spring? No... But are Groundhogs cute and is it fun watching and learning about Hibernation and little Groundhogs on YouTube? YES! I found these Groundhog Printables on 2teachingmommies site. 

I pulled up a few Videos on Hibernation, and Groundhogs and we watched them (TOO CUTE)

He used Banana Grams to match the letters for the word Groundhog

Size sequencing Big to Small... Small to Big

 We also reviewed the Upper and Lowercase Letter G as he sorted them 

The Same day we received our long awaited, (at least for me) Alphabet Soup Sorters!! I pulled out Letter R and S for him to explore with and review since those were the last two letters that we covered. Cowboy liked them, although he was really wanting them to be filled with cookies! I also love these and recommend them to use as a teaching tool! They each come with Hard Cards inside each can with objects that start with the letter your working on and then you flip them over and the word is on the back! They are very helpful for teaching letter sounds too! 

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I Can Teach My Child                       Tot School                       


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