
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

V is For Valentine- Tot School Cowboy

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 44 Months Old

V is For Valentines and Animal ABC's (Vulture)

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You can see our individual Valentines TOT TRAYS HERE, and how we made them. 

Bible Memory Verse
Very Truly I Tell You, No Servant is Greater than his Master. Nor is a Messenger Greater than the one who Sent Him. 
-John 13:16

Cowboy tracing Letter V worksheet from Confessions of a Homeschooler on his Dry Erase Center .

Even though it was Valentines, and Vultures are not anything "Lovely", I still wanted to go over our Discussion Page to introduce what a vulture was :) 

 Size Sequencing with Hearts and Valentines Day Matching Game from Over the Big Moons Tot Pack

Conversation Hearts Magnet Printable Tray 

Of Course Cowboy LOVED this Tray and was super quick at finishing it so that he could eat the Hearts!! 

He did a fantastic job on his own !!! 

Then I helped build with him and showed him how cool it was to watch them get Smaller and Smaller as they went up 

Tech Time..

Cowboy Learned about the Letter V on the Ipad and Alphabet Soup Sorters , while Lou did some studying for Science on Quizlet. 

Butter helped make some yummy Confetti Heart Cupcakes !! He loved helping pour the ingredients and Stirring the batter.  

Heart Sorting and Beading Tray with Heart Beads

There are so many things you can do with this Tray! We Sorted, Filled the V, Counted, made patterns, and Cowboy insisted on making me a Bracelet :P 

Sensory Play

You can see more about this Valentines Sensory Bin and what I used for it HERE

Toilet Paper Heart Stamping, Q-tip, Finger and Sponge Painting Tray

Q-Tip Painting using Crayola Fingerpaint

 Toilet Paper Heart Stamping

Butter LOVED getting the paint... everywhere! Even Daddy got in on the action ! 

Foam-Paper and Stickers Cutting Practice Tray

Cutting Felt Hearts 

Cowboy thought it was so neat how he only cut half, but got a whole heart :P 

Putting together Puzzles from My First Skills Puzzles set

We also read a good bit of Books.... including my absolute Favorite Love You Forever !!! 

This blog does include affiliate links. Which means, if you click on certain links on my site, it will bring you to the site showing you where you can purchase the item. If you choose to purchase I do make a VERY small commission, which is greatly appreciated.  Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything. I just want my readers to have easy reference to the tools that I use. I do not blog to make money, I do it for my kids and to hopefully help or be a blessing to other moms. Thanks :}

Linking up with :

  Tot School I Can Teach My Child


Saturday, February 16, 2013

T is for Tiger- Tot School

Tot School

Letter T with Cowboy Currently 4 years Old ~! 

Also Featuring Tiny Tot- Butter Currently 22 Months Old


This Weeks Trays

Trays Include:
AlphaTales Box Set Letter T 

ABC Bible Memory Verse Letter T
Thy Word is a Lamp unto My feet and A Light Unto My Path 
- Psalm 119:105


Into to Letter T using Starfall for Ipad


Tracing Letter T on Dry Erase Center and working on shapes in his Tot Book. 

Working on a Workbook Page Practicing Writing the Letter T and Coloring the Pictures that begin with Letter T. 

Putting together a train puzzle from Melissa & Doug Beginner Pattern Blocks set. 

Tracing the Letter T Using Letter School App (Cowboy Loves this App !!)

Painting the Letter T Craft and Gluing on Tigers

Going over Letter T Sound using Alphabet Soup Sorters  


Tiny Tot School With Butter 

This Tray was super easy to throw together for Butter! I took some Balls out of the Jumbo Magneatos Set, and used this mini trash can with a revolving lid, and showed him how to put the balls in one at a time- while he did this I would say the color of the ball and he would repeat it. Then we dumped them all out and he would do it again until he got tired of it and was ready to move onto another Tray.

All of my kids LOVE this Busy Gears toy. Its one of Butters Favorites, we talk about the colors of the gears, and he just stacks, plays and has fun with all the moving gears and the sounds they make.

What Goes together? Sorting- I put different objects on this tray, and showed him how to Separate and Sort each item individually by each item, then we dumped them out and repeat. I also tried to do by "Color" as well, thinking it would probably be way out there for him to understand what I was meaning, he actually did pretty good!!! I was so excited to see him in action!! 

Transportation Vocabulary Cards- This was our first "Official" time trying Vocabulary Cards!!  He knew about half of them, and I told him the rest and he would repeat them after me =]

I thought I would just try and let him put together 3 piece puzzle, at first he was really just putting them on the board- I'm pretty sure he was getting frustrated with it- so we moved on to Magnetic Letters :P in which he enjoyed a lot more!

Tiger! Oh how Shocked I was that he could say it and knew what it was before I even had to tell him!! 

Coloring the Tiger in Cowboys Tot Book... He loved putting the tops back on the markers

Dot Paint the Letter T- I showed him how to dot the first few and then he did a few and then right on into Freestyle Dotting !! Which was so cute to watch! 

Putting together Melissa & Doug Beginner Pattern Blocks puzzles his favorites were the Fish, Choo Choo and Puppy- 

The boys absolutely Adore their BIG SISTER Lou! And LOVE when she plays with them! Here they are playing together having a little people Reunion with all the little people toys (Little People A to Z Learning Zoo Little People Playground Little People Market )

 ~ Capturing the Moments ~

Butter and Cowboy relaxing, playing Bugs and Bubbles... TOGETHER with no fussing- Precious :P

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This blog does include affiliate links. Which means, if you click on certain links on my site, it will bring you to the site showing you where you can purchase the item. If you choose to purchase I do make a VERY small commission, which is greatly appreciated.  Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything. I just want my readers to have easy reference to the tools that I use. I do not blog to make money, I do it for my kids and to hopefully help or be a blessing to other moms. Thanks :}

Linking Up With:

Tot School I Can Teach My Child