
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Memories with Lou- DIY American Girl Doll Sushi

American Doll DIY Sushi 

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This weekend, I had Lou, and tiny man Butter all to myself for 4 days! Daddy and Cowboy went hunting for the last time this season :( BOO! So Lou and I made the best of our time together- I, actually dug down deep within myself, and pulled out my inner "little girl" ! I played with dolls and got all crafty haha! Enjoyed spending time with my girl... Shes 11 and time is only going by faster these days! Here is what we did! 

We made sushi for her dolls using:
Electrical tape
An old sock
White foam paper
Glue Gun

All we did was cut out 3 good size (sorry I am terrible about measuring !) rectangles using different colored felt, cut a rectangle out of an old White sock, and then wrapped it about the three rolled up pieces of felt , then wrapped with Electrical tape. Carefully cut off any felt hanging off each side of the sushi. Hot glue each piece on a square piece of white (or whatever color you prefer) foam paper to act as a plate - if you want you do not have to glue them, I wanted to because she has little brothers and I don't want to be stepping on sushi all over the house :) Then....

L.E. and Kori having some Hello Tokyo 

 - cut a toothpick in half for chopsticks, and set up a dinning room- ours was made from an oatmeal box, covered with a black dish towel and piece of red foam paper- the little extras on the plate we just kinda took scraps from what we cut off  the sushi to make little side dishes for sushi and on one I used wood glue and a few dabs of black silver glitter to look like sauce :) The cups are miniature salt and pepper shakers with tops off filled with water and a tiny drop of food coloring- the tops from mini salt shakers are the dolls salt and pepper shakers in the middle of the table :) and two pieces of felt for pillows for dolls to sit on at table. And a blanket for back drop. Simple and cute :) we had so much fun- making 
memories! I have also started making a fruit bowl for the dolls I will share soon! So be sure to followup :P 

Our Models L.E. and Kori =} 

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