
Saturday, October 20, 2012

N is for Newt- Tot School

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 44 Months Old

  Learning in Grace is on Facebook! Come on over and Click Like and let me know how you like our blog! 

This Weeks Trays 

Trays Include:

Alpha Tales (Letter N: The Nicest Newt) 
Dry Erase Center with Letter N Trace Sheet
My First Steps to Reading Books My "n" Book
Dot Paint with Letter N from HERE
Jumbo Magneatos
Pony Beads Cups, ice tray and Measuring Spoons
Glow-in-the Dark Insects Toob
Pop-Onz Pop 'n Build Blocks
Weather Puzzle
Cool Crazy Connectors
Memory Game

 This Weeks Chart 

This weeks chart time was a little different. Cowboy was "The Teacher" I gave him a pointer and let him teach me the shapes and numbers. This week we started having 20 numbers instead of just 10. We are working on learning 11-20 :) He really enjoyed being My teacher! I really recommend trying this with your little one because it makes them feel really important and you really get to see what they know~!

 Intro to Letter Nn with and starfall. 

Cowboy showing me Letter Nn in Sign Language 

 Going over our Newt Discussion Page and talking about what it would feel like to touch a newt... UGH- NO thank you = }

Coloring and Dot Paint  Letter Nn Sheet 

Free play with Jumbo Magneatos ... He liked making the letters K and X. 

 Beading, Sorting, and Scooping with Pony Beads . This was prob his favorite thing to do this week.

Looking for Letter Nn on - Flip Blocks

Tracing Letter Nn on Dry Erase Center

 Reading Alpha Tales (Letter N: The Nicest Newt) and pointing to all the things that start with the Letter Nn

 Talking about the different types of Weather, and putting together Weather Puzzle . We also played a few rounds of Memory Game.

Vocabulary Cards Theme: Insects or things you can catch in a NET, Sequencing, and 3 piece Letter N for Net Puzzle.

Cowboy chose to Marble Paint his Letter Craft this week

Cutting practice- He cut out an apple, its stem and leaf, pasted it all together and used Glitter Shakersto decorate it. He is getting REALLY good at cutting things out! 

Building a Fort with Melissa & Doug Jumbo Blocks 

And a Tower......

A Few times this week we played find the letter with Soft ABC Letters and Letters from our - foam letter mat. This was really helpful for me to see what letters he struggles with and which ones he knows really well.

Tiny Tot- Butter is Currently 17.5 Months old

I only was able to get a few shots of Butter this week :( But here are a few... He is playing with Busy Poppin' Pals toy. He loves pushing the buttons and watching them pop and starting all over again. 

 Building with the Jumbo Magneatos . He was very intrigued with how the magnets stuck together and pulled apart and the feeling of the magnetic force. He had no clue what was going on but it was so fun to watch him think and his facial expressions.

                                                    *Moms Favorite*

My favorite Memory from this week is when one day during Lou's school time, Cowboy was being very sweet and letting her and I get some work done. He came and ran in the room and said Mommy come and see what I did!! He made a huge line with the Jumbo Magneatos and used all the balls like some sort of pattern. He was so proud of himself he laid down and said, "now take my picture mommy" =} Oh yes... Love this boy!

We would love it if you would Comment and -------> Sign in on the right to Follow our Blog :P Thanks for stopping by!!


Linking Up with:

Tot School

Tot School Tues Link


  1. Wow he IS really good at cutting!

  2. Absolutely precious! I love seeing how you used the printables, love the child as teacher idea too. :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Your blog has been such a blessing to me!

  3. You little ones are adorable! I love seeing other moms teach letters.

  4. I'll have to try the "find the letter" game with our foam mat...great idea! Thanks so much for linking up to Tot School Tuesday!

  5. Thanks yall!! Your comments mean so much to me!!
