
Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Sensory Bin

Its Fall Yall!!! 

Happy Fall !! Here is a look at our Fall Sensory Bin!! 

THINGS WE USED: (All but a few things purchased from Dollar Tree!!) 

Corn for popping 
Black Beans
Gourds and Pumpkins
Silk Leaves 
Mini Felt Leaves 
Scoop Spoons
Red Bowls
Measuring Cups
Spike Balls
Tops from Buddy Fruits- Save those tops!!
Star Sorter/Ice tray
LED book light clip

Cowboy pretty much threw this thing together himself!! Hes such a big boy :P Making his own Sensory Bins and stuff!! 

Ok so, I had a NOT so bright idea to put some orange straws in the bin to ya know ..... Stir the beans and such with.... Well..... Jokes on me... I had Popcorn flying at me left and right haha... So needless to say- We got rid of the Popcorn Gun Straws....

You can also put out a few stuffed animals and let them feed them, the boys had a blast doing that :P

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