
Friday, September 14, 2012

J is for Jellyfish- Tot School

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 42.5 Months Old

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This weeks Trays

Childrens Bible
My j book
Disscussion Page
Vocabulary Cards
Ocean Tot Book
Mosaic Puzzle

Chart Time

Cowboy was excited for this week because J is the first letter of his name (hopefully he will remember it) ! This weeks number was 2 and shape was Triangle. 

Introduction to letter Jj 

We used and to introduce Letter Jj. We love both websites! Totally recommend them. Starfall is free abcmouse has so much more and costs around $7 a month. I think that if you were interested in it you can try it for 30 days for free.... check out their website for more details. 

Can ya see Lou in the background? She is in with us this week taking assessment tests online. Getting back into routine, she will be starting School with us soon!! 

This week was JELLYFISH!! So I kinda made it an ocean themed week. His vocab cards were different sea creatures. As we did our discussion page, Cowboy told me he wish he could bounce on jellyfish like Dori did in Nemo, because that would be fun. I think it would too! But I would prob end up just like her too laying on my back... STUNG! 

Dot Paint.......

Mozaic Art Box........

Had to sneak a pic of my angel doing her test :) Oh how I have missed her being in here with us !!

Playing with Cooties and Ocean Toob.....

We have started this new bible and even though its just a tad over his level, I bring it down to where he can grasp most of it. We talked about Adam and Eve this week and Cain and Abel. 

I printed out a fact card from National Geographic Kids on Jellyfish to learn fun facts about them and then to cut it up to use for our Very First LAPBOOK!! 

He was not into tacing this week AT ALL obviously, which is ok but kinda made me sad since it is HIS LETTER!! But go figure.... He loved his Alphatales Jaguar book book that we read .....

He used the Jellyfish shapes off of our chart and matched them to his worksheet. 

This day he started working on his Ocean- Jellyfish Lapbook... He put stickers on it colored it a little and colored one of the mini books that goes inside.

Going over Vocab cards, Jellyfish 3 piece puzzle, lace the Jellyfish, Size Sequence cards, and shadow matching..........

Painting the Jellyfish

Sorting with tongs and spike balls........

Cutting practice with a triangle worksheet- our shape of the week :) 

Putting the finishing touches on his lapbook! 

This is the finished project! I am so excited we finished it and that it came out so cute! He just loves it and couldn't wait to show his sissy! I got some of the things included in this pack HERE from 1+1+1=1.

This makes learning so fun! He is actually reading it to her here! 

Marble Racer! I had the pleasure of putting this thing together... yay...

But I was successful!! WAHOO......

Letter J Craft of the week 

Favorite pic of the week- I caught them hugging when they thought I wasn't looking :) 

We would love it if you would Comment and -------> Sign in to Follow our Blog :P Thanks for stopping by!!

Tot School Tuesday


  1. What a great week! The mosaic kit looks fun! You seem very organized :)

  2. Thanks so much Dawn for commenting!! I am glad I appear organized haha but...I do not EVER feel like it! So you made my day! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Such great ideas! I'd love for you to link this up to Tot School Tuesday!

  4. Thanks! I will be sure to do that!! Thanks for stopping by,commenting and the invite :)
