
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Need a good Vet?

This morning the kids opened up shop with an animal hospital.They love pretend and dramatic play. They had a waiting room, and the doctors were really nice. Poor monkey had shoved something up his nose so Doc Lou had to do a procedure that looked way more painful than it actually was. If your stuffed animal needs a little TLC, I would totally recomend these kids!  

Cowboys Trays today     

First tray he wanted to do was push the Pom Poms in the Butter Dish. A lot of things for tot trays you can just find around your house. I got an old butter container and cut holes in the top to practice fine motor skills by pushing the pompoms through the holes. Although I did have to make minor adjustments once we got to school because I had made the holes way too small and he wasn't getting anything through them. He enjoyed doing this one. I cant wait to try this tray with Mr. Butter.

Next up was review the letter Bb with some dot paint, B is for Butterfly, Butterfly Letter/Color Puzzles  (printed from another Blog I really enjoy called Confessions of a Homeschooler.) and 2 books on the Color Brown and Blue. He dotted the butterfly and we went over some animals that started with Bb. We also practiced the sound B makes. After that we read the books and then did the puzzles where he had to put B and b together to make a butterfly, and also tell me the color of it. He did real good - but still calling black brown but gets brown right... and that is ok!

Fav Pic of the day :)
The last one he did today was beading I knew he hated it yesterday with the string but I still wanted him try again so we used pipe cleaners instead today- guess what?!?! SCORE! He asked for more beads and even decided he was making it for GG (my mom) it was way easier for him to do I am glad he was willing to try it again.

After he was done beading he wanted to do the Butter dish again, so while he played with that I read to him out of the Children's Story Bible, the story of the prodigal son. I know that in the picture it shows his sensory tub but Butter didn't nap as long as usual so we didn't get to it today :(
I have Bible Study on Tuesdays which I am so thankful for. It really helps to get a break and to spend time with some other ladies. The kids usually go and stay with my mom while I go which I am so blessed to have her help out! Thanks mom :) I love you and appreciate all your help! Today they went to her house while I went to Bible Study and then to the grocery store. I love my local grocery store! A few times a year they have an 8/$8 sale! I am a penny pincher- and I love saving money and finding great deals. This week they were having that sale, so I got a few good deals today which I am very happy about.

Later this evening Butter found his own sensory bin with daddy. I looked over at him and he had found a tub full of misc. tools... Who needs a sensory bin?!! It was like he had found the best toy ever!

It also looks like I have another boy who will be following in daddy's footsteps! I managed to get a few pictures of him working on a golf cart :) Our dog Boog is also posing for the camera. I love these kind of snap shots.

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