
Monday, June 25, 2012

MIA- apology

Time to get back to routine! I have been MIA for a week because we have had a lot going on! Fathers day weekend we went to visit my grandma and Popz. We took the pop up for a trial run! It went great. We had a nice visit but came home exhausted! So I decided to take Monday off. Well Tuesday came and I was so unorganized that I then decided- we are all taking a week off! So last week we just bummed out pretty much.

My mother in law has been battling a sickness in her body for a while now and has been in and out of the hospital. Thursday she had to go back and did not get great news. We are believing for God to do a miracle in Her body!! So we decided to go to Mississippi this past weekend to visit with her. My mom totally rocks and offered to watch all 3 kids so we could go. It was my first time to be away from Butter in 13 months. I wish it would have been under different circumstances, but we enjoyed being able to spend time with Nana (mother in law) without having to be distracted by kids.

Lou had a Girl Scout slumber party on Friday and a junior awards ceremony for completing her Journey. It took the girls 6 months to complete this Journey but Lou knocked it out in a month and a half!

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