
Friday, June 29, 2012

Dd is for Dolphin

 Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 40.5 Months old

Dd Week! This week was real fun. We did a lot of new things and I am currently in the process of making changes to our Tot School starting in the month of July! I'm excited :) Here are some things that we did this week. Monday's trays looked like this
We started off reviewing Letters A-C and introduced D on the Flip Flop Alphabet Blocks. He remembered them and I was totally shocked since we had that break!

We traced some Dd's using our Crayola Dry Erase Center which we got in over the weekend! I love it :) Makes thing so fun, and momma saves a ton of money on paper and ink!! We also did some sorting pom poms with tongs, dot painted some Dd's and a Donald Duck jigsaw puzzle ( who happened to be a COWBOY DUCK! )

Monday night Cowboy started running a high fever and woke up Tuesday Morning not feeling well at all. Its crazy sometimes he just runs a fever for a day or so with no other symptoms and then is fine. So Tuesday he was laying in my bed literally very weak not wanting to move or do anything. He looked at me and asked, "Mommy, when we going to school?" I said, "well buddy you can have the day off sometimes people just need to rest when they don't feel good." He was not having that. He said, "No, I do school then come back and lay down." What a trooper!!! There was no talking him out of it either. So I ran out to the School House and got a few easy quick things for him to do. I thought it would be a good day to pull out our Leap Pad , and just do the Dd exercises and games. You can tell in the dot painting picture poor little man is pushing through and not feeling good. He mainly did all of his work except the painting, in my lap.

Wednesday Cowboy was back to his old self. I added a few new things into the mix. I decided to throw in some trays with free play options. Free play to me is games or toys that do not necessarily require my help. He can just play with them alone. I wanted to try and start including some trays like this to get him ready for when Lou starts back up. That way if he is busy doing something he can do on his own without my supervision, I will be free to help Lou if she needs me. Here are Wednesdays trays.

I got out 2 different colored Gems that I got from the dollar store, and first had him place the blue ones on the big D on the duck, and the green ones on the little d. After that he played with them however he wanted.
Next he did some cutting and pasting letter Dd worksheet I found on He cut out the pictures that started with the letter Dd and then pasted them on to the paper with the Letter on it.

He traced some with a little help from me guiding him on the top ones, the bottom letters he did on his own :)

Here is one of the Free play trays that I put out. It's just a cookie sheet, with some ABC magnets from the dollar store, and I also put the Leap Frog- Fridge Farm Animals on there too. He is showing me how the W and M look alike.  

We played a few rounds of Hi-Ho Cherry-O together. He really loves this game!

Butter woke up and came to school for a little bit so I could work on something, and he discovered the Big bin of Foam Letters, which Cowboy was not interested in of course until Butter was. I got out a few cars and Cowboy made roads with the letters.

Thursday! Our new Pocket Chart came in so I had it all fixed up :) I used some shape and number cards for the D is for Duck pack from 1+1+1=1. I called out a shape and he would have to point to it. He did really good with that, he only needed help with the crescent and octagon. I was very impressed considering we hardly ever do shapes. I guess I can thank team umizoomi and his ipod apps for that! We also practiced pointing and counting to 10.

Thursdays Trays included a few new things but not many.

He used his gem magnets I made, to outline the Dd. He traced his Dd all by himself! We read his books and attempted to color by number, but he wasn't really into that so we just moved on to some free play.

He wanted to build a house using his Lincoln Logs and then Lou popped in just in time to play the Honey Bee Game . We all played a few times. It was really fun.

Then back to Lincoln Logs he went, I attempted to build something but then Butter woke up and came in and wanted to help :)

They colored and Butter wanted to do that too! He actually colored and it was funny to watch him wanting to do everything the big kids were doing.
Lou really impressed me by drawing an xray of a stomach, in which was believed to have green peas in it. Also drawing bacteria and showing what white blood cells and red blood cells do inside your body. Shhh I think she misses school a TAD :)

Our youngest student in Tot School, Butter currently 14 months old  :) Having some magnet and pom pom fun !  

And some puzzles ......

Friday Lou was my teacher's assistant, and came out to school with us today. I had a ton of things that needed to be cut out so that I could catch up on laminating. I was really hoping that Cowboy would pay attention as well as he does when we are alone, and he did! I had her set up in the back room, cutting while we worked in the schoolroom.

Here are Friday's Trays.

We did some lacing with Melissa and Doug Lacing Beads , he really enjoyed this and of course worked very hard because he was making a necklace for his sissy!

Here is Lou showing off her beautiful necklace Cowboy made her :)

I printed a D dot worksheet from and Cowboy used some Dot stickers to outline the letter.

He drew an ocean and decorated it with dolphin stickers, read his Dd book, Outlined the D with playdough on top of his Crayola Dry Erase Center, and we all played a few rounds of Hi-Ho Cherry-O .