
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Letter to Lou- 6th Grade

Dear Lou, 

For 4 years now, I have been able to witness every step of your learning. My only regret, Every. Single. Day, is how I wish I could have homeschooled you from day 1! But God had a plan, and though, its been 4 years, our journey of homeschooling each year, feels like its just beginning, and I think its because God is doing a work in Both of us, and I am so excited about learning what else he has in store to mold each one of us into the Women of God he has called us to be. 

I started off writing this explaining to the blog world about what you have been up to, but as I ended the post, I felt like I needed this to be for you, and not just about you. I spend a lot of time sharing about what the boys do, and new ideas for tot trays, but I want you to know, even though you are getting older, I still love watching you learn. Sitting back and seeing you play and hearing your ideas. I love that you are 12 and still love to play just as much as your brothers. I love your adventurous heart, and your hunger for learning.  Here are some of the things that you have done this month that I loved watching you do, and explore.... 

Here are somethings my Big Girl does, don't let 6th grade fool you, she loves teaching and helping, AND participating in most activities I do with my little ones :) Here is a Wrap Up of some of the things Lou has been doing and Learning :)

You are never too old for Water Beads...

In Science, she is learning all about the Human Body with Apologia Exploring Human Anatomy she has done lots of experiments regarding the body, here Lou, along with her cousin, (who is also homeschooled) are making a edible model of the Human Heart using Graham Crackers, Marshmallows, and icing. 

Some Dramatic Doctor Playtime, as Doc Cowboy, and Doc Butter work on Lous kneecap to see if she has any torn ligaments and if she may need surgery ... 

Here we are using the Magic School-bus Science Kit - Human Body. It provides all the materials you need to do their experiments. Here the kids are making a ball and socket joint, using a ping pong ball, tape, and a rolled up piece of construction paper. 

Cowboy and Butter love participating in all of Lous experiments, and I am so glad they do! They are learning so much just by wanting to be "Big" like their sissy. Here Cowboy and Butter are learning what a ball and socket joint is and moving it around to feel what it does. 

Yes Mommy even tried too =) 

I love when my kids use their imaginations!! Lou has an excellent imagination, even at 12 years old she still has the best ideas and it really gets the boys excited! This particular morning, the kids made pancakes, and had a tea/breakfast party for their stuffed animals.

Cookie Monster of Course was very excited and pretty much ate all the pancakes =0 

I love these two girls they are such a blessing! They love helping and teaching right along with me! The boys really love them and I am just so glad they have excellent loving roll models !! Who still love to play like the little ones! Here they are sorting and playing with water beads.

Art Lou is painting a pumpkin while the boys play with playdough. 

Beautiful Pumpkin! 

Working on a reading and writing project where she writes a story and also illustrates it then she will present in front of class. 

Here she is presenting us with her written and illustrated story 


This was not an assigned thing- this was FREE TIME! Her good friend Chrissy was over spending the day with us, and they decided to go "exploring" they ended up finding an old Turtle Shell. This really sparked Lous interest, So they started observing it and pulled out books to learn more about turtles... I LOVE HOMESCHOOLING!!! This is a perfect example of why I love it so much :) Freedom in Learning. 

Lou pulled out her microscope and looked at different parts of the shell, then looked up in her skeleton book to learn more about turtle skeletons.

 Playing Hi-Ho Cherrio with the boys because she is just an awesome sister like that! 

Decorating Felt Pumpkins

 Yes, I know.. Boys and Fingernail Polish??? But hey, shes gotta get practice in right??? HAHA -  we just paint their toes, who cares, they are little and I think its awesome how its times like these that make memories for a lifetime!!! I can hear Lou now telling their future wives about how they used to beg her to paint their finger and toe nails! They absolutely love it! And I think it is ADORABLE!!!  

Lou is a Girl Scout, and this month she Bridged from a Jr, to a Cadette!! She also received the Bronze Award which is a very great honor in the Girl Scouting Community and takes a lot of hard work and dedication, I am very proud of her!! 

Ice Cream Truck comes down our street... and the days that we catch him, I end up with 3 HAPPY- smiling fudge faces!!! 

Clay Model of the Brain

For history we use Story of the World Vol. 1- We are studying Ancient times. Its for all ages, and the boys even do the maps, and coloring pages that correlate with the lessons. Though they are still too young to grasp everything, they are learning a TON with Lou about history!! 

Bible- Who is God- Apologia

Gin, Lou and Butter are acting out a skit, on how would you tell someone about Jesus? How would you know if they knew him? What questions might you ask them? I don't have very many students, but when we have an extra over for a day, we make the best of it! I love watching them act out different skits!! 

My Beautiful 6th Grader!! Your doing so much this year and learning a ton. I am so blessed to have you as my child, my helper, but most importantly, my very closest friend... There is just something about moms and daughters and the bond they make. Each day, I try my very best to be there for you, show you how crazy I truly am, and teach you how to be a wife, mother, and friend. I know I fail... A WHOLE LOT- and I am by no means perfect, but if not for grace... I just pray the very best over your life in hopes that you grow up to be a Godly Little Lady.. So far... I could not ask for anything better than what the Lord placed in my hands 12 years ago.. You are Wise beyond your years..and just an amazing human being... I LOVE YOU!!!

Note For Lou:

         The Very Tree of Life

proverbs 13-18 
You’re blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom,

    when you make friends with Madame Insight.
She’s worth far more than money in the bank;
    her friendship is better than a big salary.
Her value exceeds all the trappings of wealth;
    nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her.
With one hand she gives long life,
    with the other she confers recognition.
Her manner is beautiful,
    her life wonderfully complete.
She’s the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her.
    Hold her tight—and be blessed!

 I love you my DEAR SWEET Lou! 

~Love Mommy~ 3-5-2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Baby Number 4!!

 So I know I have been a ghost, and I apologize. Between the holidays, and finding out our news.... I have been so drained. I am finally in my second trimester at 16.5 weeks... and starting to get some energy back! Hopefully I will have new posts of what we have been up to coming soon! In the meantime, thanks for sticking around!!!

First Glance at our New Addition!!!