
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letter B Week- Tot and Pre-k

Letter B With Cowboy (4) and Butter (2)

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Below is Butters Tot Tray Setup for Tot School 

This year I am trying out workboxes for Cowboy, so far they are a hit and he loves feeling so big like his Sister. Below is what his set up looks like for now... I will be switching it up a little bit later but for now here it is. His boxes, unlike Butters tot trays, change everyday. Where as Butters, only the letter work activities change. 

Memory Verse
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 
Matthew 5:9

This is our Learning Resources Table Pocket Chart (I LOVE IT) I put the vocabulary cards for the boys along with Bible Memory verse,(which I get from My ABC Bible Verses Book) and Letter for the week. We go over them everyday.

Cowboy, pointing to his Bible Verse as we read it Aloud. We go over everything, on what I call the Memory Board, before we start any workboxes.  

Letter B Verse Craft from RRSP

Counting to number of the week "18" with Melissa & Doug Abacus.

Butter Coloring his Letter B worksheet and then Decorating it with Letter B Stickers. 

Finding Shapes and Matching with Linking Shapes he was so proud when he found the Star all by himself :) 

Repeating each shape as I call them out for him to find.

Sorting by Shape/Color with Linking Shapes

Love his silly faces LOL

Building and Playing TOGETHER with Tinker Toys .. Our Church has 3 HUGE Crosses in the front of it ... I am pretty sure that's where the inspiration came from for this build :) 

 Cowboy made a Bow and Arrow with ZOOBS

 Using Dot Paint for Letter B Hunt Worksheet from COAH 

Butter Working hard on his B is for Bear Worksheet from 1+1+1.

 Foam Magnet Pattern Blocks Letter B

Puzzles were not on the trays... but he decided they needed to be and pulled them down while Cowboy and I were reading. This happens often ...

(See that little Squirt in the background!!)
We were reading about Airplanes, Blimps and Helicopters, in the Book

Building a City with Foam Wood Building Blocks

 Lou had her friend over who is also homeschooled and the kids did some school work at the kitchen table. They did really good in a group setting it was very cool to see how the different ages, all doing different things, worked :) It was like a mini co-op.

Cowboy Cut out his Memory Verse, taped it together and then measured it.

B Letter Maze using Fuzzy PomPom magnets I made for them.
(Click the link above for directions for magnets)

Cowboy is such an awesome Big Brother (most of the time) he was helping Butter with the LeapFrog Farm Fridge Magnets

Foam Magnet Pattern Blocks for number of the week "18"

Finding all the Big and Little B's on the Beach Ball and putting Ocean Themed Foam Stickers on them.

For this activity, we read Butters Favorite book Goodnight Moon and used our Goodnight Moon 123 Counting Game to put together the puzzles as we read.He loves when he gets the match right!! 

 Tracing Lines to letter B using Dry Erase Center

Sorting by color using Hi Ho Cherry-O pieces. 

Finding Letter B using Fuzzy Pom Pom magnets 

 Open ended play with Pop Beads

They made jewelry for their stuffed animals

I made cowboy a necklace, and he did NOT want to take it off!! He thought it was so special, so to return the love, he made me one, and Lou snapped a picture while he was giving it to me. I wish it was not so blurry but it was a moment I will never forget!

I wore it as a crown :P 

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