
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Playschool The Lost Weeks....

 Summer PlaySchool (the lost weeks) 
Cowboy 4yrs ( 53 Months ) Old - Butter 2yrs ( 26mths) Old
and Lou 11yrs old 

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So I have not blogged in a month... OH MY GOSH!!! I can not believe its been that long .... But we have been SUPER BUSY!! I have missed it and just to catch you all up with some things we have been doing I am just going to make one post to get caught up to speed!!! Thanks to my readers and followers for not leaving me :) I may take breaks but I love to Blog and share my ideas and family with all of you! 

This Little Butter turned 2!!!!! 

Miss Princess Lou- Had her 9th year Dance Recital 

Cowboy learned how to work a wrench :) with his Daddy.... 


One Day Every.Single.Kid. 
got sick with an unknown super-bug and ran 103 Fever....Fever, Chills, and Bodyaches (my poor babies) For just 24 hours.... Weird Right- ?? But Praise God it was only for 24 hours!!! 

They BOUNCED Back Quick......

To Beat the Heat-
 We Turned the Trampoline into a Splash Pad!! The Kids loved this!!! 

Water Table Fun- 
Fed Dinosaurs Water Beads :) 

Sprinkler Fun-

Butter- Oh you know just cutting grass in his underwear.... and Lou surfing on an alligator... 

Sewing Fun! 
Crazy Lou went to a sewing camp this summer!! She made lots of cute things here is a pillow she made out of old PJ Pants :) 

 We have had lots of Sleepovers.....

Water/Amusement Park !!! 
My Dad gave us Season Tickets to the Local Water Park we have REALLY been enjoying that!!! Butter even has a portable wagon bed just for water park days!! 

Ridding Rides.....


 Boat Riding!!
 This was Butters first Boat Trip and He LOVED IT!! Obviously Mommy had fun too :) 

Imaginary Play 
Butter is under our table in his Fort... Feeding his Puppies and Reading them Books :P I loved watching him play and loved that I was able to cook and get things done while he was occupied! Of course Cowboy had to get in on the action !! So they opened up a restaurant and fed me good!!

There has been LOTS of Swimming !!!

Lots of Park Days.... 

Free play ....

The Ipad has been my educational outlet of the SUMMER!!! 
They love playing on the Ipad and have no clue that the fun games they are playing are actually Teaching them a ton!!! 

Library Story Time... 

We have done a lot so far this summer... and there is just a little bit left!!! BOO HOO!!! But!! I can not wait to start School in the next few weeks!!! In the meantime.... WE are headed to the Water Park to enjoy what is left of Mr. Sunny Summer !!! 

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Tot School I Can Teach My Child