
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Y is for Yak!! - Tot School

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 49 Months Old 


Tiny Tot- Butter is Currently 23 Months Old

I was featured for Tot School!

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This Weeks Trays

Included on Trays: 

~Bible Memory Verse~

You Are The Light Of The World, Like A City On A Hill That Cannot Be Hidden- 
-Matthew 5:14

Into to Letter Y 

Using Starfall, Letter School, and ABC's of God via Ipad 

Butter Showing me letter U on Starfall, because hes a rebel and apparently it didn't matter to him that we were learning letter Y  :P 


Tracing Letter Y using his Dry Erase Center

Practicing Making Lines in his Tot Time Notebook Along With Mr. Yak  :P 


Reading Yak Discussion Sheet

 Reading Alpha Tales (Letter Y: The Yak Who Yelled Yuck) and Finding Letters that Start with Y in I Spy Phonics Fun Y

Reading The Big Yawn  


Naming all the different types of Toys 

Butter Learning Some Y words using Alphabet Soup Sorters  


I am currently working on colors with Butter but also taking things slow because he is still young and my main objective for him is play!! But learning toys are so fun because he is PLAYING and LEARNING! Here he is using the Learning Resources Super Sorting Pie (NEW FAVORITE TOY!!) sorting by color and counting (so far we he is counting to 5 YAY!!!)

Another thing we used for color recognition is this Geometric Sorting Board . He liked picking the whole thing up while he told me the color he put on :) 

Cowboy of course had to have a turn! 


Counting and Sorting
 Sorting Pie - Number Identification in Tot Notebook

Adding using fruit from Sorting Pie  

Practicing Counting on the M&D Abacus (We are going all the way to 100 even though he can not count that high we are still counting and practicing everyday by repetition) 

Going over and making shapes on the Geoboard


Letter Yy 3 Piece Puzzle 

 Sequence by Size

Shadow Matching Upper and Lower Case Yy


Cowboy and Butter having Puzzle Time :P 

 This week Cowboy Developed a LOVE for Puzzles.

 He never really was a fan of them unless someone was doing them with him. I came home one day with a new puzzle, and he begged me to do it, but I was cooking and could not stop to help. A few minutes later I turned around and he had completed it ON HIS OWN 12 pieces :) he asked for more so I went out to school and brought him in a few more.... by the next morning for school, he was doing 24 pcs on his own.
Melissa & Doug Dinosaurs 24 pcs Puzzle

He is currently shooting to master 48 !! Super proud of him - and so glad Easter is almost here and I have an excuse to buy a few more "good" quality puzzles to fill his basket!


Placing Stickers on Letter Y on the Yo Yo and doing Letter Y Craft with (Yellow/Gold)
  Glitter Glue

Lacing the Yo Yo and Making Letter Y with Playdough on his Letter Y Playdough Mat from Homeschool Creations  

Making Letter Y on the  Geoboard ... and Spider-man got a little excited, he tried to act like he was a flying YO YO :P 


Bristle Blocks

Making Memories

The Little Men Watching their favorite Youtube of Monster Trucks

Thanks so much for dropping by ! We love Comments ! 

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Linking Up With:

  Tot School                      I Can Teach My Child
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