
Sunday, October 28, 2012

O is for Octopus- Tot and Tiny Tot School

Tot School- Cowboy is Currently 44 Months Old

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This weeks Trays

Trays Include:
Who's Hiding in the Sea
Alpha Tales (Letter O: Olive the Octopus¹s Day of Juggling)
Dry Erase Center
Felt Stuffed Letter O
Letter O from foam letter mat
Tree from
Little People A to Z Learning Zoo
Worksheets from Letter O Animal ABC Pack
Animals from Little People A to Z Learning Zoo
Ostrich Worksheets from Tot pack Letter O
Vocabulary and Sequence Letter O
Learning Gears
Melissa & Doug Shape, Model and Mold
Letter O for Ostrich Playdough Mat
Wikki Stix Activity Set
Melissa & Doug Magnetic Wooden Alphabet and cookie sheet

Letter O Chart

I let Cowboy Teach me again this week!! It was so fun and he is really doing a great job counting and knowing his shapes! 


For the past few weeks I have been using a different system to introduce the letter of the week. I use and He really enjoys this. We go over all the lessons and things there are to do for whatever the letter of the week is. There is also a section on starfall that shows every letter in sign language. So we have been learning how to sign our letter of the week too. 

Cowboy tracing his Letter Oo on his Dry Erase Center

We also read Who's Hiding in the Sea its such a fun little book where the pages are hidden and you can pull them out as it asks you Who's hiding where. He used his pointer to show me who was hiding.

Cowboy and Lou finally received their first set of stickers from the sticker club letters we sent out... they came all the way from Missouri! So Cowboy couldn't wait to get them on some paper ! They were sport themed foam stickers. He loves STICKERS!! 

 Tracing his lines from Octopus to Letter O. 

 This impressed me SOOOO much!! He was working on a Cut and Glue worksheet and he had to cut out all of the Letter O objects to Paste onto the sheet with the Letter. There were no Lines on the object page, so he grabbed a marker and drew his own borders around the objects to be cut out so that he wouldn't mess them up or accidentally cut one of them. I was totally shocked and thought wow what an awesome Idea. Super proud mommy moment!!

Making Letter O  and free play with Wikki Stix Activity Set  

 He was so proud of his picture that he made. He said that this was the Human Body and how everything is connected.... Yeah hes smart... and sneaky and has been listening in on Lou's unit on the human body :) You never know what kids will get out of lessons with older kids! I think its awesome that he actually learned something like that and illustrated it so beautifully : }

I found this bag of instruments at a yard sale this past weekend and planned on using for morning Calendar time. Cowboy wanted to play with these from the moment he saw them on the shelf. So one day when it was just him and I, I put it on one of his trays and let him bang away... he was so excited! 

Vocabulary Cards: Theme Safari Animals (Ostrich), Puzzle, and sequence. 

Using Wikki Stix Activity Set  to make letter on his Letter O Playdough mat 

My wiki stick Dinosaur lol yes... I used a guide : } But I was super mom cause I made a dinosaur...

Letter O craft- He painted it orange and then cut out the Octopus and pasted them on. 

Free Play Fun !! 

All my kids even LOU!! Love this Little People A to Z Learning Zoo  play set. It comes with all little people animals from A-Z. When you press on a letter in the Zoo, it will tell you the letter, Animal and the Sound the animal makes. Perfect toy for Animal ABC's!

Playing with Gears and Playskool Poundin Nails

Tiny Tot School- Butter is Currently 17.5 Months Old

Butter had fun this week playing with the Little People A to Z Learning Zoo  too. It was so fun to watch him explore all the different animals. The set comes with 1 little man- in which Butter named Dude. HAHA

While he played with the Rock-a-Stack I called out the colors of the circles and he repeated them back to me sounding all smart and stuff :}

He sent out mail in the mailbox for me..... sorted shapes, and pounded some nails... Mommy pounded a few too :}

*Mom's Favorite Memory*

This week I have a few faves.  The dreaded day has come :( the day that Butter is now old enough to experience Time Out... Oh how I do not like this part of parenting... Cowboy does NOT like to see his BUTTER in trouble. One day Butter was in time out for something and was sitting and pouting and Cowboy went over and sat beside him, put his hands on his belly and said, I pray that you would help butter feel better and listen. Oh how this melted my heart....

One morning watching TV... Butter just climbed right on top of Cowboy and they stayed like this for a while. It was so cute :} I pray all my kids love one another in the way Christ would want us to love one another, and remain as close as they are now. It truly is a blessing. 

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